Find 2024 PITA Fall Classic Information and individual programs on our PROGRAMS page. 2024 ALL STARS Standing have been updated on August 10th, 2024, The Fall Classic is this year’s last chance to get that 3rd Major completed.
March 2025 Winter Multiplex
Multiplex results are posted on the RESULTS page. Thank you shooters for your participation and a huge shout out to all those volunteers running these events – rain, shine, and snow!
Please be sure to check your yardage. Earned yardage goes as follows:
Earned Yardage: | |||||||||||||
50 – 1 yd | HANSON, SCOTT | ||||||||||||
49 – 1 yd | YOST, BRODIE | ||||||||||||
- 377 shooters participated at 35 clubs.
- 49,450 targets thrown plus 1500 sub-gauge singles targets.
- Terry Findley (Pawnee) was High Overall 145/150
- Triple Winners were Rich Adams (Spring Creek), Robert (Bob) Painter (Cowlitz ), James Todd (Bend)
PITA Members
The PITA website ( will be down for routine maintenance Wednesday, March 12 from 4:00 pm PST until Thursday, March 13, 8:00 am PST. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Congratulations 2025 Hall of Fame Inductees!!
Congratulations 2024 Hall Of Fame Inductees!
The PITA Hall of Fame board is pleased to announce the 2025 Hall of Fame Inductees, Art Moore (British Columbia) and Richard Bullard, Jr (Nevada). The induction ceremony will be held during the 2025 PITA Grand Pacific in Bend, Oregon.
Arthur Charles Moore (Art) was born in Chatham Kent, England on May 21, At that time Art’s dad was stationed in England with the Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers. Art’s early years were spent in Germany, Alberta, and British Columbia, following his father’s army postings. The Moore’s settled in Grenfell, Saskatchewan to take over the family farm in Art helped his parents run the grain and cattle operation. After graduating from programs at Southern Alberta and British Columbia Institute of Technology, Art began working as a marine engineer. First traveling the Arctic with the Canadian Coastguard, and later around the globe as a Chief Engineer of deep-sea bulk carrier transport ships. Art returned to Victoria, B.C. to help his parents in their retirement.
It was on the farm that Art learned how to handle a rifle and shotgun. Art began his trapshooting career in 1988, and became well known for his expert marksmanship, his mentoring of other up and coming shooters, and his volunteer work throughout the trapshooting community. During his 36-year trapshooting career Art shot a total of 215,125 registered PITA targets, shooting at numerous tournaments across Canada and the USA. Over the years he earned recognition on the Vancouver Island Shooting League (VISL), the British Columbia, and the PITA All Star Teams. Art recorded fifty-three major wins in the British Columbia Provincial Championships, the Western Canadian Championships, the Canadian Championships and the PITA Grand Pacific.
During his shooting career, Art was significantly instrumental in keeping the Vancouver Island Shooting League running smoothly for many years by doing the computer work, working on the trap machines, and ordering the trophy packages, and managed to win numerous events in the VISL. He also served as president of the British Columbia Trapshooting Association (BCTA) for 2 years and served on the PITA Executive Committee. Art’s peers considered him to be a humble man, one who let his shooting prowess do the talking.
Rich is a third generation native Nevadan. He started shooting competitive clay targets when his family opened Sage Hill Clay Sports in Reno, Nevada. Since that time, he has accumulated numerous Nevada State Championships, Out of State Championships, All Star Team selections, Grand Pacific titles, and a Grand Slam.
For the last seventeen years Rich has had the good fortune to be able to attend PITA shoots in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, Arizona, and of course, Nevada. He enjoys the competition of trapshooting and the camaraderie amongst his fellow competitors. In addition to shooting a shotgun, Rich enjoys all sports, having played college basketball. When not shooting a shotgun, Rich enjoys Alpine snow skiing and pretty much any other outdoor activity.
2025-2026 Rule Proposals
These are the 2025-2026 rule proposals that will be voted on at the 2025 Grand Pacific on Friday, July 25.
January 2025 Winter Multiplex
Multiplex results are posted for January and are on the RESULTS page. Thank you shooters for your participation and a huge shout out to all those volunteers running these events – rain, shine, and snow!
Please be sure to check your yardage. Earned yardage goes as follows:
Earned Yardage: | |||||||||
50 – 1 yd | PICANSO, SETH | ||||||||
49 – 1 yd | HIGGS, COREY | ||||||||
48 – .5yd | SELPH, MARC |
- 341 shooters participated at 35 clubs.
- 45,900 targets thrown plus 1350 sub-gauge singles targets.
- Seth Picanso (Spring Creek) was High Overall 147/150
- Triple Winners were Larry Azevedo (Newman), Troy Fewkes (Omak), Greg McMillen (Winnemucca), Andrew Nunes (Cowlitz), Robert (Bob) Painter (Cowlitz)
2025 Multiplex Updates
ATTN: CLUB MANAGERS – Thank you everyone for your feedback on the forms. DO NOT USE OLD FORMS. The current forms are blue (150 bird multiplex) (Updated 12/27/2024). The purple sub-gauge forms have not changed you can still use those (50 bird sub-gauge). The forms are at the bottom of this page. When emailing your results be sure to include copies of all membership applications. A fill-in membership form that can be saved and emailed is posted on our FORMS page – 2025-Membership Form (click to download) so you have it easily available. If your club has conflicting shoot dates during the scheduled Multiplex week and you need to reschedule contact beforehand for an alternate date (48-hour notice is required).
New 2025
With the introduction of the new earned yardage table for 50-target events, it is even more imperative that all clubs and/or cashiers submit their shoot reports and membership forms for new and renewals to the P.I.T.A. NO LATER THAN 4:00 p.m. on the Monday following the shoot for the multiplex. Example: January multiplex is the 5 -11 reports must be received by Monday, January 12, 4:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
This will enable us to keep accurate and up-to-date records for each shooter and ensure that information is accessible for shoots the following weekend.
Multi-plex earned yardage is calculated on the entire number of shooters participating in the multi-plex so, we MUST know that number as soon as possible following the shoot. This will enable us to calculate earned yardage so that anyone who earned yardage in the multiplex will be able to shoot the correct yardage the following weekend. A score of 50 or 49 is an automactic 1- yard punch those who shoot either of those scores should shoot the new yardage at the very next shoot.
Any club who does not submit their shoot reports in a timley manner will risk revokation of their shoot certificate(s) for future shoots.
If you have any questions, please contact Kay Klundt at or 208-312-0314.
Congratulations 2024 PITA All Stars!!
Congratulations All Stars!
NEW 2024:
To recognize the outstanding achievements of our entire All-Star Team, we’re excited to introduce a new tradition. This year, instead of jackets for just the top five and the team captains, every team member will receive a unique, custom chenille patch. This symbol of their hard work and dedication will be a lasting reminder of their accomplishments.
NEW 2025:
- In case the shooter qualifies for two teams at the same position, he/she may choose which team to be placed.
The 2024 All-Star Teams have been announced. Click here to see where you placed. Click here to see all the team members. If you see something that needs to be changed or checked on please call Kay at (208) 312-0314.
Did you know?
- Fifty of the 55 spots were filled.
- Sixteen All-Stars shot over 10,000 targets each in 2024
- Twenty-six were standing at the 27-yard line at the end of 2024- thirteen of the men’s teams, three of the ladies, three of the seniors, two junior, and five of the veterans.
- Fifteen made the team for the 1st time!
- Youngest on the team – 12-year-old Mitchell Dagher- oldest Art Fenton, 83 years young.
Canadian Postal Strike
With the Canadian postal strike all mail and shoot supplies can’t be mailed until it is resolved. If you or someone you know has a US Mailing address that we can use please call Kay 208-312-0314.
2024 All-Stars
There was a mistake made on the All-Stars. We will have the corrected ones posted tomorrow.
November 2024 Fall Multiplex
Multiplex results are posted for November and are on the RESULTS page. Thank you shooters for your participation and a huge shout out to all those volunteers running these events – rain, shine, and snow!
Please be sure to check your yardage. Earned yardage goes as follows:
Earned Yardage: | |||||||||||||||
48 – 1 yd | REDDING, CHUCK – DONNELLY, RONALD – POULSON, LOREN | ||||||||||||||
- 351 shooters participated at 37 clubs.
- 46,250 targets thrown plus 1350 sub-gauge singles targets.
- Chuck Redding (Newman) was High Overall 147/150
- Triple Winners were Phil Gilbreath (Mason Valley), Robert (Bob) Painter (Cowlitz), Paul (Fred) Smith (Pawnee), George Stevens (Weiser), Greg Zavaduk (BulkleyValley)