Multiplex results are posted for January and are on the RESULTS page.  Thank you shooters for your participation and a huge shout out to all those volunteers running these events – rain, shine, and snow!

Please be sure to check your yardage. Earned yardage goes as follows:

Earned Yardage:
50 – 1 yd PICANSO, SETH
49 – 1 yd HIGGS, COREY
48 – .5yd SELPH, MARC
  • 341 shooters participated at 35 clubs.
  • 45,900 targets thrown plus 1350 sub-gauge singles targets.
  • Seth Picanso (Spring Creek) was High Overall 147/150
  • Triple Winners were Larry Azevedo (Newman), Troy Fewkes (Omak), Greg McMillen (Winnemucca), Andrew Nunes (Cowlitz), Robert (Bob) Painter (Cowlitz)

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