- Alaska -2
- Alberta -2
- Arizona -1
- British Columbia -17
- California -17
- Colorado -1
- Hawaii -1
- Idaho -6
- Montana -1
- Nevada -8
- Oregon -12
- Washington -18
- Yukon -1
Please contact us if there are any changes to your listing.
WSPITA Doubles League update:
This year, there will be a change in the calendar for WDL. Going forward, the final WDL event of each year will be at the start of the State Shoot. That way, champions will be determined, and trophies will be awarded at our big event. To make this change, we are having a mini schedule leading up to the 2025 State Shoot, with any clubs having WDL targets from now until July 8, counting as 2025 WDL. Trophies will be awarded to the same classes; it will just be a short extra WDL. After that, going forward, WDL season will start after State Shoot and wind up at the next one the following year. Any club that wants to have a WDL event, please do. The more, the merrier!
Michael Moore
Mike Moore, Secretary WSPITA
Congratulations to the 2023 ODC winners. Click HERE to see the list. The 2024 ODC begins immediately – click HERE to see the 2024 flyer. Lots of fun – great doubles practice – supports your club – give it a try!