Youth Education Shooting (YES)
Philosophy and Introduction
For several years the Pacific International Trapshooting Association (PITA) has been developing a Y-E-S program to encourage young people to become active in the shooting sports. Y-E-S is a program focusing on providing young persons with a positive experience in the shooting sports, specifically trapshooting. If you would like more information or want to assist with this program please contact a member of the committee.
Scholarships are funded by tax-deductible donations. Click here for more information.
Trapshooting scholarships are awarded at some State Shoots and at the Grand Pacific. Watch for information in the shoot programs.
Junior and Sub-Junior shooters earning a place on the PITA Allstar teams are also awarded scholarships as follows: Junior & Sub-Junior Captains-$300 each, Junior and Sub-Junior 1st Team Members-$100 each. Allstar qualifications are found in the PITA Rulebook, page 3. Any questions about Allstar requirements should be directed to the PITA office 208-312-0314.
To claim earned scholarships contact Treasurer Kay Klundt at 208-312-0314.
2025 YES Committee met on January 23rd, 2025 and elected the officers listed below. There is a transition period for the outgoing board members and officers to turn over to the new members. This will take some time. Thank you for your patience.
As most of the current board are also filling positions and volunteering in a great number of ways for the P.I.T.A., The Y.E.S. Committee is still looking for volunteers.
States that would like to offer our scholarships in 2025 should email Matt Smith at the address below with their formal State Association-approved request. We are still in discussions regarding the Grand Pacific and other Fundraising Events for 2025.
2025 Y.E.S. Committee 2025 |
President |
Matt Smith |
541-490-9925 |
Secretary |
Bob Robertson |
Treasurer |
Kay Klundt |
Directors |
Mike Riggs |
Jennifer Carter |