NOTICE: ALL FORMS AND SPREADSHEETS SHOULD BE DOWNLOADED AND THEN OPENED.  Please do not use the versions that open in your internet browser.

In order to read these PDF forms, you will need to have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. if you don’t have this program, you can download it FREE by clicking on this link.  To use these forms download and save them to your computer.  You can then fill them in and save.

If you get a ‘PLEASE WAIT’ error you can still download the form.  Move your cursor to the upper right area of your screen.  A black ribbon should appear with an arrow in the upper right area.  Click this download arrow and save the file to your desktop.  The form should then open on your desktop.

2024-2025 Rulebook  – LEARN THE RULES! It’s the shooters responsibility. Have a rules question? Contact Jennifer Carter, Governance Committee (503) 931-4211

Member Forms (*download and save form to use as a fill-in form)

Forms for Clubs and Cashiers (*download and save form to use as fill-in form)

PITA Doubles Challenge forms: PDC Guidelines Revised 02-19-22 

Email to or mail to :

Pacific International Trapshooting Association
P.O. Box 5276
Twin Falls, ID 83303

For more information call: (208) 312-0314
Kay Klundt, Secretary,  EMAIL

excel_icon Excel Form For Reporting Shoot Results For The PITA Website

State/Provincial Report Forms (download and save form to use as a fill-in form)

Cross Registration Forms for use at PITA events offering Cross Registration to ATA (download and save form to use as a fill-in)

Other forms/information 

Where do I send my Yardage Review form?
  • AK Stubby Hughes, 511 Steele Creek Rd, Fairbanks, AK 99712 (907) 457-2020, EMAIL
  • BC Bob White, 35162 Henry Ave, Mission, BC V2V 6S6 (604) 824-6841  EMAIL
  • CA Billy Myers, PO Box 24, Hydesville, CA 95547 (707) 768-1728, EMAIL
  • CO Kevin Davis, 16150 CO Rd HH, Fort Morgan, CO 80701 (970) 867-5490
  • ID Clay Brown, P.O. Box 431, Greenleaf, ID 83626 (208) 880-1623 EMAIL
  • NV Mark Dagher, 4555 Jack Rabbit Rd, Reno, NV 89510 (775) 772-7504, EMAIL
  • OR Nadene Blaine PO Box 302, Prospect, OR 97536 (541) 890-6733 Email
  • WA Buck Buchanan 3909 58th St Ct NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98335, EMAIL
Any State or Province not listed above: Central Handicap Chair
Jennifer Carter, 411 Whitney, Stayton, OR 97383
(503) 931-4211, EMAIL

Application/Permit for Non Immigrant Aliens Temporarily Bringing Firearms or Ammunition into the United States for Hunting or Other Lawful Sporting Purposes.

Click Here for Canadian Form 6N1A NEW FORM (12/2024)

ca-leafWant to bring your guns into Canada? Click Here