PITA congratulations those shooters who attained the distinction of Allstar status.

2013   PITA Allstar Teams
*   denotes 1st time members
MEN’S TEAMS: Total Targets Yrs  on Team Yardage Average
Gary Bonetti 8,500 14 27 .9652
David Kelly 6,400 7 27 .9610
Glen Jager 8,450 4 27 .9501
Richard Bullard Jr 13,050 4 27 .9487
Daro Handy 7,200 42 27 .9447
Fred Coulson 7,000 11 27 .9443
Randy Bratton 9,000 4 27 .9439
Grant Lau 5,850 4 26 .9369
Kent Sakamoto 7,850 3 27 .9335
Robert Alkire * 4,800 1 26 .9321
Tom Gray 6,200 8 27 .9320
Bryan Weeks * 6,600 1 23.5 .9319
Lonny Brown * 5,200 1 27 .9300
Burrell Graham 5,600 10 27 .9291
Rodney Island 8,250 4 27 .9243
LADIES TEAMS: Total Targets Yrs  on Team Yardage Average
Nicole Harris 3,550 2 22.5 .9235
Patricia Sargent * 4,200 1 24 .9222
Lisa Salt 8,050 23 26 .9171
Julie Spindler 3,600 5 23 .9126
Kate Bonn 3,900 3 26.5 .9076
Kerrie Largent 10,200 5 27 .8803
Tawnya Gerold 3,200 4 21 .8790
Rosalie Nicholson 4,800 4 20.5 .8744
Jennifer Anex 4,650 3 25.5 .8742
Lisa Simpson * 4,250 1 21 .8731
VETERAN TEAMS: Total Targets Yrs  on Team Yardage Average
Robert Minetti 5,800 3 27 .9437
Ron Stubbings 6,050 14 27 .9372
Jim Fultz 4,100 4 27 .9325
Leslie Lamerton 8,200 3 26 .9292
Mike Noer * 5,400 1 24 .9209
Dexter Tourville 5,950 7 26.5 .9183
Bernard Reynolds 8,550 3 25.5 .9160
Mike Mann * 9,250 1 22 .9077
Darryl Webber * 5,900 1 27 .9076
Jim Harrison 6,900 3 27 .9070
JUNIOR TEAMS: Total Targets Yrs  on Team Yardage Average
Adam Goleno * 3,800 1 23 .9385
Derek Whitten 9,950 5 27 .9153
Chayton Vega * 7,400 1 27 .9022
Jake Switzer 3,200 5 27 .9000
Colin Wakefield 4,100 4 23.5 .8887
Thomas Miller * 6,000 1 25.5 .8732
Hayden Bollinger * 4,950 1 23 .8661
Olivia Taylor * 6,950 1 19 .8658
Avery Simpson * 4,800 1 19 .8265
Steven Alkire * 4,200 1 20 .8251

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