PITA Member Detail Report

PITA: 12164
Yardage: 26.5
Dues Expire: 10/31/2003
Total Targets:   800 (registered)
800 (all gauges)
800 (since 2000)
Year: 2003
Date Shot Event Event Type Shot Broke Average Yardage Club
2003-06-07 4 D 100 91 0.9100 BOISE GUN CLUB
2003-06-07 5 S 100 93 0.9300 BOISE GUN CLUB
2003-06-07 6 H 100 90 0.9000 BOISE GUN CLUB
Year Totals: 300 274 0.9133 (actual average)
Year: 2000
Date Shot Event Event Type Shot Broke Average Yardage Club
2000-06-11 1 H 100 91 0.9100 BOISE GUN CLUB
2000-06-11 2 S 100 97 0.9700 BOISE GUN CLUB
2000-06-10 1 H 100 91 0.9100 BOISE GUN CLUB
2000-06-10 2 S 100 89 0.8900 BOISE GUN CLUB
2000-06-09 1 H 100 90 0.9000 BOISE GUN CLUB
Year Totals: 500 458 0.9160 (actual average)
Grand Totals: 800 732 0.9150 (actual average)
This report shows targets shot from the year 2000 to current. For a complete target count, please contact the PITA office.